
Zone Name _NeT_N_Pharaoh + E-Mail
Other Zone Name  
Real Name Khaled
Location Canada
Age 40   (20/09/62)
Joined May 2002
Fav Civ Japanese/Franks/Saracens
Why Fav Civ Duh, I don't know.
Fav Map Yuc and the like
Why Fav Map can protect if necessary.
Fav Strategies Survive.
Fav unit Samuri, Mamlukes
Old Zone Names VI_Pharaoh 

Photo of Me My Avatar

Pharaoh and His dad on Holiday in Costa Rica

Other Photos

Pharaoh and His Wife-Sue

Pharaoh in an F-18 Which he used to fly in the Military 

Pharaoh Receiving his Gold medal for winning a Squash tournament in the Military