Mission 2, Level 2: Catacombs


Locate Professor Zemph's Journal

Pursue SS Paranormal personnel through the catacombs

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Mission Briefing:

According to Kreisau Circle members from Wulfburg, these catacombs run a great distance under the village, ultimately leading to an ancient church that is no longer accessible by normal means. Helga von Bulow is reported to be there now, with a large contingent of her "Elite Guard" and a team of scientists from the SS Paranormal Division.

Your orders are to navigate the catacombs and locate the church. Gather any artifacts that you may find along the way for future analysis. Kreisau Circle reports "supernatural" activities are taking place in the catacombs; these are most likely unfounded rumors, but they are from a reliable source and must be heeded. Kreisau informants have also revealed that Professor Zemph often carries a journal into the dig site. The journal may provide important insight into his activities at Castle Wolfenstein.

This mission is pretty straightforward: you need to get from point A to Point B, picking up Zemph's journal -- and fighting lots of zombies -- along the way. The zombies are tougher than Nazis, so always have your gun loaded.

This mission starts off with a cutscene set inside the crypt -- there are a few Nazi soldiers down there, and they've just realized they're trapped inside. They're very afraid, and you're about to see why...

As the mission starts, you'll come across a hole in the floor, above the soldiers from the cutscene. Don't drop down yet -- a number of zombies will enter the area and begin fighting with the Nazis. You may want to shoot the zombies from up here -- it will make your job much easier in a moment.

Drop down and kill any soldiers or zombies that remain, pick up all the loot in the room, and then read Zemph's note on the table. He's getting close to something...but what?

Continue down the next hallway and down a ramp, killing any undead creatures that appear (usually from behind). You'll reach a gap, and you can shoot out the wall on the far side. Jump across and pull the switch you find there, killing any more zombies that appear. This reveals a switch from the room you just came from.

Jump back across the gap and throw the now-exposed switch. If you're wondering what this does, go back to the gap and look down -- the spikes that were there before have now retracted, making it safe to jump down and through the doorway.

You'll go through a small foggy room where a few more undead will appear. Thrown the switch at the far end of the room and go up the spiral staircase. This will lead you back to an area you were at before, but a gate previously blocking your way will now be open.

As you make your way across the walkway, it will collapse and dump you to the floor below. The only doorway out is locked, but have no fear -- killing the zombies that come after you will magically open the door.

Once through, you'll find a few Nazis in an open room. Kill them and notice the book on the table -- Zemph's journal! A few zombies will literally drop in on you -- kill them and then take a few moments to read the journal.

The room to the right of the table contains some health; the path to the left is the way out. Kill the zombies you meet and climb up the rubble.

Make your way through the hallways, picking up items, killing more zombies, and finally arriving at a chamber with a fire at its center. The gates will close behind you, and you'll have to fight a number of zombies, including your first fight with a fire zombie. Take him out as quickly as possible, and stay far away -- your best bet is to load up your Mauser and snipe him from across the room.

After killing the fire zombie, one more creature will appear, revealing a switch behind his hiding place. Kill the zombie, throw the switch, and continue through the door at the far side of the room to the end of the mission.

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