Mission 2, Level 4: The Defiled Church


Infiltrate Wulfburg Church

Pursue Helga von Bulow to the ruined cathedral

Eliminate all of Helga von Bulow's personal "Elite guards"

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Mission Briefing:

Residents of Wulfburg call this "The Defiled Church". It apparently has a rather sordid history dating back 1000 years. Over the ages it has been rumored to have been used for a number of occult ceremonies. Rumors aside, we do know that Helga von Bulow and her SS Paranormal Division team are there now. We do not know what they are planning, so it is imperative that you investigate and recover as much intelligence information as possible.

A word of caution; the Kreisau Circle has reported that Helga von Bulow's "Elite Guard" is made up of a small group of extremely capable women who have been trained to an exceptionally high level, both physically and with small arms. They also reportedly bound together as part of a witch's coven.

The mission starts off with a cutscene with Zemph and Helga von Bulow in a chapel of Wulfburg Church. Zemph is trying his best to perform the extraction procedure, but Helga is pushing him to his breaking point. Note the placement of the Elite guards around the room -- you'll be here shortly. After walking ahead a bit, you'll hear a few soldiers chatting in the distance. Camp out next to a health pack on the right for a minute, as one of the Elite guard gives them a sound tongue-lashing and tells them to continue searching for you. Reload your Sten and go for headshots.

After clearing the area, don't pick up any of the health kits unless you really need them -- you may want to backtrack here in a bit. You'll meet your first Elite Guard behind the first door, continue going for headshots and you should be OK.

Eventually you'll reach a staircase on your right. There are a number of Elite Guard at top -- use your Sten, grenades, and zoomed-in Mauser to clear them out. Your main problem here is that the chicks do a lot of damage with their Stens, so don't rush in and stand around in the open -- draw them out and finish them one at a time.

Throw the switch to raise the gate, and continue until you reach a second gate. You'll hear someone yelling at Zemph and the cry of "deploy the remaining Elite Guard!" Throw the switch to raise the second gate, and get ready for a battle in the chapel.

When you enter the chapel, do so carefully, as the chicks will be conveniently waiting in strategically placed spots around the room. If you can draw them back out into the hallways, you'll find things much easier.

After finishing off all the guards, read Zemph's note on the table, and then look to the room on your right -- there's one last guard at the top of a ladder, throwing grenades down at you. The easiest thing to do here is back away from the room and snipe her through the window (you can shoot out the wood), and then climb the ladder upstairs.

On the upper level, which runs the perimeter and overlooks the chapel area, you'll find a few more Elite Guard in your way. Clear them out and head down the spiral staircase, killing 2 or 3 more guards until you reach a gate with a switch.

After throwing the switch, you'll find yet more Elite Guard waiting in a storeroom out and to the left. Once again, draw them towards you, finish them one at a time (there should be 4 or 5) and then shoot out the wood blocking door in the storeroom, revealing the exit.

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