Mission 6 Level 3: Chateau Schufstaffel


Eliminate General von Shuber

Locate the rear exit of the chateau

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The "Anointing Ceremony" for the Super Soldiers is reported to be taking place somewhere near the chateau. According to the Operation: Resurrection project book recovered from the "X-Labs", the three Super Soldiers are to be "anointed" by Marianna Blavatsky whereby they will be transformed into Dark Knights. According to the project book the presence of these "Dark Knights" is necessary for the final phase of their plan; to raise Heinrich I from his 1000 year old burial site. You must, if possible, stop the ceremony before it begins and destroy the super soldiers before their transformation.

If their transformation does take place there will be no way of judging how much more powerful they will be, or if it will even be possible to stop them. Also, there will still be a number of SS Paranormal Operatives in and around the chateau; ensure that you eliminate them.

In this mission you will have to fight your way through a heavily guarded mansion in search of Himmler's last paranormal expert, and then exit the chateau alive. There will be massive firefights in this level, so be ready for it.

Start off by going through the doorway ahead of you and work your way silently through the cellar. Once you come to a doorway leading up and out, you will see a Black Guard with his back turned to you. Give him a couple of shots to the head with the Sten if you can so that you can remain undetected a few moments longer.

Once he's down, don't go rushing out into the alley right away. Get your Snooper Rifle ready and creep out a few steps, then turn around and look straight up. Snipe out the guard on the balcony right overhead.

If you've managed to remain undetected so far, walk forward through the alley and to the doorway on the other side. Open it normally (not with the kick) and you'll get to catch 2 Black Guards unawares. They are both standing right under a fragile shelf full of barrels, so one or two shots to the supporting rope should bring it tumbling down on top of them.

If you were detected on your way in, just shoot them and all the other guards that come out.

Climb up the short flight of stairs and enter the main chataeu. Follow the hallway to your right, fighitng Black Guards (one of which will have a Venom gun) and Elite Guards until you come to a huge room with a staircase leading up.

Go up the stairs and take the only unlocked door out of the area. You will enter an extravagant hallway with a door on the left leading into a small dining room. Head on in and grab some chow if you need it. Then exit through the decorative doors opposite the one you came in through.

This will place you on a small balcony overlooking the alley where you first came in. Watch out! There will be a sniper up and to your right on the roof. Take him down, then jump onto the ledge to your right and walk across.

There is a ladder here that leads to the roof, but don't take it yet. You have to deal with General Shuber first. Jump past the ladder and onto the small balcony. Go through the doors and gun down the officer in the piano room beyond.

Head out through the doorway and turn right. By now the entire chataeu is aware yof your deadly presence, so the guards are starting to get ready for you. Around the bend of this next hall will be a few guards that have set up a makeshift barricade. Snipe them or take them out with a Panzerfaust if you have it. Then proceed down the hall. In the room beyond is General Shuber. Give him a one-way ticket out of this world.

Once Shuber is disposed of, grab any armor you need in the room (there are 2 helmets on a table nearby), then turn around and backtrack. Go back through the piano room and back out onto the balcony. Take out any snipers, then jump to the ledge on your left and climb up to the roof.

The first set of skylights is much too high to drop down through, so go to the ones in the back of the rooftop. Kick out one of the panes, then drop onto the top of the bookshelf below.

There will be several Black Guards and Elite Guards to take out in this area, so fill the air with lead. If you have any ammo left in the flamethrower, now might be the time to use it.

Once the area is secure, head down the stairs. A Panzerfaust shot will BLOW THE DOORS OFF of the downstairs hallway, so don't be too surprised. You'll have to deal with another team of entrenched defenders, so whip out the Mauser or the Snooper Rifle and get to it.
,br> Once you clear these chumps out, you'll have one more wave of Black Soldiers that will rush out to greet you. Wipe them out, then head down the hallway to the left to exit the level.

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