
Zone Name _NeT_LadyAuss__  +E-Mail
Other Zone Name _NeT_LadyAuss
Real Name Deb
Location Australia...........God's country
Age oh please... lets just say (30/1/1900) ..haha
Joined my birthday i think (30/01/03)
Fav Civ none..play all rather badly
Why Fav Civ as per above .... jus love to play
Fav Map blind random
Why Fav Map love surprises
Fav Strategies blah has no idea ...thats boys talk
Fav unit Men
Old Zone Names LORD_LadyAuss.._IYI_LadyAuss...AKA_LadyAuss..XK_LadyAuss....RM_LadyAuss

Photo of Me My Avatar

Other Photos

_NeT_N_LadyAuss When she was a young girl

This is _NeT_N_LadyAuss in year 12 of school, shes stood up on the Right

Lady riding one of her horses

This is lady at a show taking part in an Arabian
costume computation, she was unbeaten with that mare.