Mission 5 Level 1: Ice Station Norway


Breach X-Labs outer compound

Gain access to main secure lab area.

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Your interrogation of the officer in the SWF has yieldedthe location of Deathshead's "X-Labs" in occupied Norway. Our defecting SWF scientist has also revealed the nature of what is taking place at the "X-Labs"; project Uber Soldat, or Super SOldier. This is Deathheaeds' most advanced technology project, apparently combining robotic and biological engineering to create the "ultimate killing machine". By itself this Super Soldier could pose a considerable threat to the Allies, but it appears that this project may have some other connection to the SS Paranormal Division.

In any event, the "X-Labs" must be infiltrated at all costs; we must know what Deathhead's ultimate goal is for these Super Soldiers, and, if possible, what their connection is to the SS Paranomral Division.

This mission has a lot of open areas, so long-distance shots with the Mauser or Snooper Rifle are a good call. Reducing enemy numbers by picking off enemies from a distance will make things a lot easier. Follow the pathway until you come to the docked sub. There are a couple of soldiers here arguing about a generator. Put htem out of you misery by shooting the generator, which will cause it to explode.

Keep walking forward until you ome to the dock on the frozen lake. Take down the soldiers who come out to greet you, then go through the gate. Pick up the Flak Jacket in the guard shed nearby, but don't bother with the other house. The main compound is your goal.

Kill the sniper that comes out on the catwalk above the main entrance, then climb the nearby stairs to where he came from. Go through the doorway.

This can be a really tough fight, so be ready for it. There are several Venom Soldiers and Black Guards here, and it's easy for them to pin you down. Worse, reinforcements are likely to arrive from the other side of the building. If you can, make it to the stationary machine gun mounted on top of one of the trucks. This will help you mow down everything in the area.

Once the room is cleared, go out the door on the other side. You'll be outside again, and will have to deal with several more Venom Soldiers and Black Guards. Take them down, including the sniper in the tower. Then follow the pathway until you see a ridge rising up to your left. Climb it and follow it until you oversee a wall with a tower.

Take out the gaurd in the tower, then jump onto the roof and down into the tower. Walk out the door to the top of the wall and pound on the guards in the area below. This can be tough, so your best bet is to use your Mauser and a few greades. Watch for soldiers that will try to climb up the ladder to the wall with you.

Once the area is secure, climb down the ladder. Go into either of the nearby houses if you need health, then go into the guard tower near the wall and push the button to open the gate.

From here you'll have to fight your way into another motorpool. Again, you'll be pinned down by Venom Soldiers and Black Guards, so take your time and don't go running right in.

Once you have the motorpool clear, grab the armor, health, and ammo in the side rooms. Climb up the crates to the right of the broken lift and access the ledge. From there, you'll see a grated wall. On the other side of the grate is a generator. Shoot it from a distance to blow it up and take down the wall behind it.

Go through the breach, turn left, and exit the level.

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