
Code: 87624851


Code: 87624851

Instructions on how to open

1st Outer door:
-Leads into the bunker and is not locked, once you go deep enough in you will come across a 2nd Locked door.

2nd Inner door:
-Open as of Season 5: This video/code was released on Day 2, August 15: On Tape 1968-69 (Orange Dot)
-Code: 87624851

This is part of a massive community effort all started off by activision with clues leading to this website:- https://pawntakespawn.com/tv
A good explination of this was made in a video by JackFrag :- Video

Inside you will find:-
On Day 2, a bust of Vladimir Lenin, more documents, and an inaccessible elevator with — suggesting the possibility that later clues will let players go even further into Verdansk’s subterranea.

I also Took Screenshots of what looks like Puzzles/Clues to a BIGGER puzzle, see below:-

(A) & f Puzzle

This Clue shows a Purple Circle and saying "(A) & f experiment No.1" and below is, what looks like, a partial Grid with the words Golf, Foxtrot, Echo on some of the points but some points seem to be missing words.

(A) & f Puzzle

This Clue shows a Purple Circle and saying "(A) & f" and below are the words BRAVO, FOXTROT, ALPHA.

Bust of Vladimir Lenin

A Bust of Vladimir Lenin With the code "**** N2406" on the back of it, The **** part i cant read.

I dont think this is anything, certainly not to do with the puzzles, but maybe another Easter Egg????

City Office 10

I really dont think this is anything to do with anything, as it pops up way to many times, but I took a shot of it just in case, anyway lol.